Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Civil Unrest- put it on your radar

There is civil unrest now in China. The Chinese goverment has moved millions of people out of the hinder land to work in factories. Promising them a higher standard of living if they work relentlessly, manufacturing the goods the world buys. Guess what ? No one is buying those goods and Chinese workers are in overcrowded cities with no means of purchasing or producing food. They gave up their small farms, for a better life. When riots become a bigger issue in China the goverment can easily shift blame on the Americans. "Look it is Their flaut, the Americans, they do not what us to have a life as they do. We will prepare for battle"(just a thought)

Riots have also broken out in Latvia, Iceland, Greece, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Estonia and Mexico. If you ask why, Why do I not hear about this sir. My answer to you is WAD (works as design) Do some research you will find plently of information.

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